Blablablabla during my visit to USA

It’s been several years since our getting together last time.
So many things happened during those years
but we still stay in touch and can sit together for dinner
and even for shopping
I felt lucky, really.

I sincerely believe sometimes
friendship could last longer than love partnership
though the later is much more passionate than the other one
and I really enjoy the time we spent together last night

Yesterday we were driving from Las Vegas to LA
It’s all desert and all you could see was sands and roads
except the ONLY OUTLETS on the way – well, at least the only nice one =)

It was so hot and dry in Vegas that
my nose began to get irratated
and kept on sneezing and running all the time
pooooooooooooor me…

Heading for Universal Studio today!

(No Chinese input on the PC of Courtyard by Marriot, Sorry for the inconvenience!)



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